Monday, May 16, 2011

Islam In Singapore

Islam, the religion of the Malays in Singapore, supposedly receives special administrative attention. In 1963, Singapore became part of Malaysia along with Sarawak and Sabah. Singapore separated from Malaysia and declared independence in 1965. The constitution of the independent republic surprisingly included two provisions relating to the special position of the Malays and the Muslim religion i.e. Articles 152 and 153.

Article 152 states:

(1) It shall be the responsibility of the Government constantly to care for the interests of the racial and religious minorities in Singapore.

(2) The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognize the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.

Article 153 states:

The Legislature shall by law make provision for regulating Muslim religious affairs and for constituting a Council to advise the President in matters relating to the Muslim religion.